Monday, February 27, 2012

Classic Films and the American Conscience

This is to announce the publication of Classic Films and the American Conscience, which is a collection of essays from this blog.  

They are not all verbatim from the posts you read on this blog; some are tidied up a bit, sporting a brand-new hair ribbon, but all are pulled from the past five years of blogging here.

Next Monday, March 5th, marks the fifth anniversary of Another Old Movie Blog.  I am that much older, not much wiser, but I've enjoyed every moment and most especially your comments over the years.  I've made some friends through this blog, and for that I'm truly grateful.

Classic Films and the American Conscience is currently up for sale exclusively at (for at least the time being) as an ebook.   However, as much as I appreciate the dimes and nickels tossed my way, if you are interested in purchasing this book I would suggest you wait until next week when it goes FREE for four days - from Monday, March 5th through Thursday, March 8th.  If you don't have a Kindle, you can download Amazon's free PC for Kindle and read it on your computer.

The four-day free offering is my fifth anniversary present to you.   I'm sorry, there won't be any cake. 

I'll be talking more about the book this Thursday, and certainly next week, so you'll have your full of it soon enough.  Don't worry, though, I'll get back to regular business on Monday, March 12th. 

That week I hope to get around to some real meat-and-potatoes blogging with "The Trial" (1955) with Glenn Ford and Dorothy McGuire, and "Storm Center" (1956) with Bette Davis and Brian Keith.

What better way to cap a celebration than with trials, book burnings, Communists, and a spinster librarian?  I always say.

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