Monday, August 13, 2012

Post-Olympics scramble

A couple things to address today, and then maybe I can turn to getting my life back after the Olympics.

First, sincere thanks to R.C. of "The Shades of Black and White" for passing along to me the Leibster Award.  As you probably know, these awards circle around and require one to list a number of facts about oneself and pass it down to a list of other bloggers.  As I've received this award before...and because there aren't too many interesting facts about myself...I'll just sit this one out with many thanks to R.C. for thinking of me.  Please check out her swell blog.

Second, there won't be any post on Thursday this week, but I'll see you next Monday with my contribution to the Gene Kelly Blogathon sponsored by the Classic Movie Blog Association.

My post will be on "It's Always Fair Weather" (1955) with Gene, Dan Dailey, and the imcomparable Cyd Charisse in a bittersweet story and really fun musical about the reunion of three old army buddies. Hope you can stop by.

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