Thursday, September 13, 2012

Odds and Ends

A few things to catch up with today:

First, many thanks to Stephen Reginald at Classic Movie Man for passing along the 7 x 7 Award to me.  As I've received this prize in the past, I'll just forego participating this time.  You can see Stephen's seven responses and his picks for the award here.

Second, I've recently celebrated my fifth anniversary at my other blog, New England Travels.  Later this fall I'll be releasing a book of essays taken from this blog on various events and personalities of the 19th and 20th centuries in New England.  It will be published both in ebook and in paperback.  More on that to come.

Third, a preview of coming attractions of sorts, with much anticipation to the What A Character blogathon sponsored by Outspoken and Freckled, Paula's Cinema Club, and Once Upon a Screen.   Held from September 22nd through the 24th, favorite character actors are to be feted at this extravaganza.  My pick is Victor Jory, and my post on him will go up Monday, September 24th.  More details here on the blogathon and who's participating.

In the meantime, I'll see you next Monday with a post on "One Romantic Night" (1930) with Lillian Gish. 

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