Monday, October 8, 2012

In Search of FMPU

This photo of a giant sunflower has no other purpose than to distract you, and because it just makes me happy. I had a forest of some 12-plus feet high sunflowers this summer in my garden. The blooms were over a foot wide. At the end of the season, as I was standing with my back to it, one toppled over and smacked me in the head.

They pack a punch. I saw stars. Not Cary Grant or Rita Hayworth, just stars.

I thought I heard it snicker, and softly mumble, “Tag! You’re it!”

Enough stalling, I’m come before you today requesting help. I’d like to put out an all-points bulletin for a documentary that I’ve been wanting to see.

I’m looking for an AMC (remember when that was the old movie buff’s pal before it went to the dark side?) TV documentary about the First Motion Picture Unit of World War II. The FMPU was part of the Army Air Corps and produced many training films and documentaries. Frank Capra’s “Why We Fight” series was produced as part of this unit.

The unit was comprised entirely of technicians, directors, writers and actors from Hollywood’s movie industry. Captain Ronald Reagan was a personnel officer here at one time. James Steward and Clark Gable were briefly connected with the unit.

AMC’s made-for-TV documentary called “Hollywood Commandos” was produced in 1997. I don’t believe it is available for sale, either in VHS or DVD.

If anybody recorded this when it was broadcast (I don’t know if it has been repeated, or shown only once), but I want to track it down. I’m hoping someone has it in his private collection. I’m happy to pay for a copy. Or, swap for something in my collection, if so desired.

Spread the word. Release the hounds.


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