Thursday, May 16, 2013

You Are Here

One of the things I love most about old movies is you always know where you are.

You don't need any stupid GPS devices. 

In fact, if you really need a GPS device to get anywhere, it's because you're too lazy to read a map.
Of course, maps can be difficult to fold back up sometimes.
And they don't give them away free at the gas station anymore.
But with old movies, the name of wherever you are is just plastered all across the sky.  This is very convenient.
Jeez, I don't how that got in here.  Sorry.  I was on a roll.
I'll be speaking at the Chicopee Historical Society, meeting at the Chicopee Public Library, Front Street, Chicopee, Massachusetts on Thursday, May 16th with a PowerPoint presentation about topics from my recently published States of Mind: New England. That book will be available for sale at this event.


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