Monday, August 15, 2011

And the Liebster Award Goes to...

Having been handed the Liebster Blog award last week by our Caftan Woman, I am now given the opportunity to pass it on to others.  This blog prize currently making the rounds seems to have originated in Germany, and is moved along to blogs we like.  We acknowledge the blog from which it came, and we choose five others to get it next.

Always a tough decision, but here's a mix of blogs I've enjoyed for a long time, along withe new ones I've discovered recently.   These award games give us a chance to find new and interesting blogs, and possibly new favorites.

1.  Dear Old Hollywood - for it's fun posts on the locations where classic movie scenes were filmed.

2. Miss Ida Lupino - for the unique perspective on its devotion to this one extremely talented lady.

3. Classic Forever - I'm particularly looking forward to this young lady's posts on her recent annual trip to help out the folks in Sierra Leone.

4. Robert Frost's Banjo - John's always eloquent analysis, especially showcasing classic blues music.

5.  Dave's Classic Films - Not just the A-list classic films, but the B-movies and short subjects, too.

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