Monday, August 22, 2011

Awards and Blogathons

This is to acknowledge and express my gratitude to Meredith at Forever Classics for passing along to me the "Irresistably Sweet" blogger award.  Though I'm now required to list several interesting facts about myself and name 12 other bloggers to receive this award, I think I'm just going to step back from the podium with a simple thank you this time.  

Along with award season, there have been numerous blogathons this summer, many of which I've missed due to other committments.   I'm looking forward to participating in two that are coming up soon, from the Classic Movie Blog Association -- the "Guilty Pleasures" blogathon, September 18th through 20th....

And the "Carole-tennial (+3)" blogathon at Carole & Co., October 6th through October 9th celebrating the films of Carole Lombard.

Thanks again to Meredith (please check out her blog), and I'll see you at the blogathons.

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